Published Research

What sets BET Pharm apart from other pharmacies is that our compounds are backed by independent research (click to read our peer reviewed published research articles).


Cushing's (PPID)

Cushing’s disease in dogs: Cabergoline treatment

V.A. Castillo *, N.V. Go´mez, J.C. Lalia, M.F. Cabrera Blatter, J.D. Garcı´a


Inhibitory Effects of Pergolide and Cabergoline Formulations on Daily Plasma Prolactin Concentrations in Geldings and on the Daily Prolactin Responses to a Small Dose of Sulpiride in Mares

Rebekah C. Hebert MS, Donald L. Thompson Jr. PhD, Pamela B. Mitcham PhD, Jeanne D. Lestelle MS, Richard M. Gilley BS (BioRelease Technologies), Patrick J. Burns PhD (BioRelease Technologies)


Long term treatment of insulin insensitive mares with cabergoline long term treatment jevs 2014

N. Arana Valencia, D.L. Thompson, E.L. Oberhaus, R.M. Gilley


Comparison of Efficacy of Two Dose Rates of Histrelin to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin for Inducing Ovulation in Broodmares 
Justin L Voge DVM, MS, Diplomate ACT, A. Kendrick Sudderth DVM, Steve P. Brinsko DVM, MS, PhD, Dipolmate ACT, Patrick J. Burns PhD, Terry L. Blanchard DVM, MS, Diplomate ACT


Abstract – Ovulation induction for embryo transfer: hCG versus GnRH analogue
Michaela Kolling and W.R. Allen 

Clinical Comparison of 3 products available to hasten ovulation in cyclic mares C. J. Berezowski, DVM, K. L. Stitch, DVM, DACT, K. M. Wendt, DVM, DACT, and D. J. Vest, DVM  INTRODUCTION
Owing to the wide individual variation in estrus duration and ovulation interval in the mare, pharmacologic induction of ovulation is important for breeding situations. Since the 1970s, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) has been demonstrated consistently to induce ovulation and has been used routinely in broodmare practices.1-3 Numerous studies have reported that a high percentage of mares with a follicle J 35 mm in diameter will ovulate within 48 hours of hCG tratment.1,4-9 Since hCG is a large glycoprotein, repeated doses over the course of a breeding season can result in high antibody levels against hCG.10,11 Some investigators have deported decreasing ovulatory response rates with repeated hCG administration, while others have failed to demonstrate an adverse effect.2,4,11 One advantage of the use of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist to hasten ovulation is that repeated use should not diminish efficacy.12 The GnRH agonist deslorelin (Ovuplant, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Overland Park, KS) was approved for use in mares in the United States in 1999 in the form of a controlled-release subcutaneous implant. When administered to mares with an estral follicle J 30 mm diameter, Ovuplant induces ovulation within 48 hours on over 88% of cyclic mares. 13,14 Using frequent (ie, every 2 h) examinations, McKinnon et al5 reported hCG injection resulted in a shorter interval to ovulation than deslorelin, whereas Samper et al9 reported administration of deslorelin implants resulted in a shorter interval to ovulation. One potential disadvantage to the use of deslorelin implants has been the need to remove implants at the time of ovulation in order to prevent follicular suppression and delayed return to estrus.15,16 Removal of deslorelin implants once ovulation is confirmed, while a relatively straightforward process, may be objectionable to some practitioners or mare owners.


Recent research demonstrated that deslorelin implants was effective for inducing ovulation when administered intramuscularly in a short-term biodegradable liquid.17 In 2003, a short-term-release (less than 24 hr) deslorelin (BioRelease Deslorelin injection, BET Pharm, Lexington, KY) product in a biocompatible liquid vehicle became available. This product is administered in a single dose by intramuscular injection. The goal of this study was to compare the clinical efficacy in inducing ovulation among short-term-release deslorelin injection, deslorelin implants, and hCG in cyclic mares examined once daily.


Comparative efficacy of BioRelease Deslorelin injection for
induction of ovulation in oestrus mares: a field study

SA Finan, EL Lamkin and AO McKinnon


Effect of a Single Injection of Long-acting Progesterone on the First
Ovulation in Early and Late Spring Transitional Mares
Simon A. Staemp!i DVM, DACT, DABVP a,b, Sarah Clavier MSc, Don L. Thompson PhD c,
Patrick J. Burns PhD d, Sara K. Lyle DVM, MS, DACTa,
Angus O. McKinnon BVSc, DACT, DABVP, MSb

Estrus Suppression

Evaluation of Injectable Sustained Release Progestin Formulations for Suppression of Estrus and Ovulation in Mares 
William A. Storer, Donald L. Thompson, Jr., Richard M. Gilley, and Patrick J. Burns

Pregnancy Maintenance

Evaluation of BioRelease Altrenogest LA 150 For Maintenance of Pregnancy in Mares
C.M. Morrow, D.V.M and P.J. Burns, Ph.D.


Evaluation of BioRelease P4 LA 300 in the Mare
.P. J. Burns, C. Morrow & J. Abraham


Evaluation of Sustained Release Progestin Formulations in Mares
P. J. Burns D. L. Thompson, Jr, W. A. Storer, R.M. Gilley


New Pharmacological Treatments for Equine Reproductive Management 
P. J. Burns, Ph.D., D. L. Thompson, Jr, Ph.D., W. A. Storer, Ph.D., R. Gilley B.S., C. Morrow, D.V.M., J. Abraham, B.S. & R. H. Douglas, Ph.D. 


Use of a Compounded Proprietary Long-Acting Progesterone Formulation for Maintenance of Pregnancy in Mares
D.K. Vanderwall, J.L. Williams and G.L. Woods 



Intervals to ovulation after treatment with estradiol cypionate (ECP) or Biorelease Deslorelin (BRT_DES)
P. Fleury1, M.A. Alonso1, M.A. Alvarenga 2and R. H. Douglas

INTERVALS TO OVULATION AFTER TREATMENT WITH ESTRADIOL CYPIONATE (ECP) OR BIORELEASE DESLORELIN (BRT-Des) P. Fleury1, M.A. Alonso1, M.A. Alvarenga 2and R. H. Douglas3 1Fleury Equine Reproduction`CP 169 Sao Jose do Rio Pardo-SP 13720 Brazil. LABS/BioRelease Technologies LLC. A preliminary study (Fleury et al, 2003) found that when deslorelin was injected Intramuscularly (IM) in estrous mares with ovarian follicles 35mm or greater at a dose of 1.0,1.5 or 2.0 mg/ml in BRT deslorelin vehicle ( ovulation occurred in 44.1,49.8 and 48.7 hours, respectively, as compared to 100 hours in controls. The BRT deslorelin vehicle was designed to release deslorelin for approximately 6 to 36 hours. The present trial was designed to test efficacy of a lower dose of BRT-Des and since estrogens induce LH release in the mare, ECP as well as the combination of these two drugs on intervals to ovulation was also studied. Two doses of BRT-Des (0.5 vs. 1.0 mg) and 10 mg of ECP were evaluated in a total of 142 barren mares, which were either M. Paulista or M. Marchador, and between 7 and 15 years of age during November through February in Brazil. Effects of follicular size were evaluated such that mares were further assigned to one of two follicular size groups: 30 to 35 mm or greater than 35 mm in diameter. Ultrasonic examinations of each ovary every 12 hours following treatment detected the occurrence of ovulations. Data for intervals to ovulation were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance for a 2X6 factorial experiment and Dunnetts test was used to make among mean comparisons. Treatment effects were significant (P<0.05) and data are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1 INTERVALS TO OVULATION AFTER TREATMENT WITH ECP, BRT-DES OR ECP +BRT-DES IN MARES WITH OVARIAN FOLLICLES THAT WERE 30 TO 35 OR GREATER THAN 35MM IN DIAMETER
10 mg ECP
DES 0.5 mg
DES 1.0 mg
DES 0.5 mg + ECP
DES 1.0 mg + ECP
30-35 mm
> 35mm
30-35 mm
> 35mm
30- 35mm
> 35mm
30-35 mm
> 35mm
30-35 mm
> 35mm
30-35m m
> 35mm
Means with different superscript letters are different (P<0.05) Results indicate that a low dose of BRT-Des (0.5 mg) was as effective as 1.0 mg in significantly reducing the interval to ovulation as compared to controls or ECP treatment. The interval was reduced by approximately 45 hours. ECP actually prolonged the interval to ovulation. The interval to ovulation in mares with follicular diameters of 30 to 35mm was about 5 hrs longer than in mares with >35mm follicles when BRT-Des was given.

Endocrine Diagnostics in the Broodmare: What you need to know about Progestins and Estrogens


Estradiol cypionate aided treatment for experimentally induced ascending placentitis in mares.

Bruna R. Curcio, Igor F. Canisso, Fernanda M. Pazinato, Luciana A. Borba, Lorena S. Feijo, Vitoria Muller, Ilusca S. Finger, Ramiro E. Toribio, Carlos E.W. Nogueira


Estradiol cypionate aided treatment for experimentally induced ascending placentitis in mares.
Bruna R. Curcio, Igor F. Canisso, Fernanda M. Pazinato, Luciana A. Borba, Lorena S. Feijo, Vitoria Muller, Ilusca S. Finger, Ramiro E. Toribio, Carlos E.W. Nogueira

Anovulatory Mares - Possible Causes and Treatment